Are you having issues signing up to be a member on our website?
Some companies have internal security that may interact with captcha requests like we have required on our sign-up. This doesn't mean you can't become a member though! Our team is able to create a login with your email address for you! Just reach out to us and we can get you setup!
Did you sign-up to be a member and didn't receive a response/approval?
All member requests are subject to approval to try to keep away suspicious and/or bot accounts that may impact our users and website content availability.
If you do not get a response within 48 hours, please contact our team directly at and let us know. Sometimes when users put in their personal emails, they can seem suspicious (ie. so we may deny them initially if we don't actually know there's a real person on the other end!
Are you not able to see certain member's only pages, even though you're a member?
All our member's content is tied to certain roles, so things like the FASTech Connect forum are available to all members, while certain premium content like the FASTProbe and Educational libraries have their own unique roles that unlock them.
If you feel you are missing a role or can't see certain content, please reach out to our team and we can doublecheck everything on our end!
For any additional questions, issues, or additional information, please feel free to contact us at:
Or call us at 419-425-2233 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm EST)