Launched recently in our Member's section is our forum-style area called FASTech Connect. This section of the website is the quickest way to stay in touch with everything we've got going on including:
Upcoming content
Team member projects
All things Mastercam®!
Users can find the FASTech Connect forum underneath the Member's tab by either hovering over the tab for the drop-down menu, or by clicking the members tab and locating it on the right side of the screen as shown below. This section will feature more frequent updates than our public blog giving members the "first look" at everything coming up as well as a space for feedback, some fun side projects, and more.
Additionally, we've been working on providing additional resources for Educators which can also be found under the Member's section via the Educator's Corner. There are several resources available within it such as:
Part files
Tool & Operation libraries
Post processors (Haas & Fanuc)
and more!
If you are an educator and would like to access these materials, please follow up with our website administration team to get the proper role! The website team can be contacted directly at: